Unix & Linux Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for users of Linux, FreeBSD and other Un*x-like operating systems. It only takes a minute to sign up.

An Arch Linux (or other) live CD. A few hours. Note: As of late 2012 new tools have been added to cryptsetup to add or remove encryption to/from an existing file system. Remove old kernels manually At this stage we can use yum command to manually remove unused Linux kernels: # yum remove kernel-3.10.0-327.36.3.el7.x86_64 kernel-3.10.0-514.2.2.el7.x86_64 Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Resolving Dependencies --> Running transaction check ---> Package kernel.x86_64 0:3.10.0-327.36.3.el7 will be erased ---> Package kernel.x86_64 0:3.10.0-514.2.2.el7 will be erased Docker comes with its own rm command version to assist with docker container removal. Let's first list all available docker containers: # docker ps -a CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES d1c01c8eb336 ubuntu:14.04 "/bin/bash" 5 seconds ago Exited (0) 3 seconds ago ubuntu df7834f86c78 debian:stable "/bin/bash" 10 seconds ago Up 9 seconds debian 9bdd9d49a75b mongo:3 "/entrypoint Sep 20, 2019 · The unlink command is used to remove the specified file. It is already installed as it is part of the GNU Gorutils. 1) How to Remove Symbolic Link Files Using the rm Command. The rm command is one of the most frequently used commands in Linux. Furthermore, it allows us to remove the symbolic links as described below. # rm symlinkfile Jan 12, 2017 · Most of us believe that it is difficult to remove/uninstall (Oracle Java & openJDK) from Linux box. Today i am going to show how easy it is. As per my experience, i have installed JAVA many times in different distributions and removed/uninstalled safely without any issue. How to remove Nmap depends on how you installed it initially (see previous sections). Ease of removal (and other maintenance) is a major advantage of most binary packages. For example, when Nmap is installed using the RPM system common on Linux distributions, it can be removed by running the command rpm -e nmap zenmap as root.

Dec 30, 2018 · -f : Delete Linux user account with force removal of files -r : Remove Linux user account including home directory and mail spool -Z : Remove any SELinux user mapping for the user when deleting user from Linux

Apr 20, 2020 · Uninstalling Linux from Windows dual boot is a piece of cake if you have a Windows installation disk. This tutorial teaches you how to remove Linux completely from Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 dual boot with a Windows installation disk. Uninstall Ubuntu safely from Windows dual boot mode To remove Linux from your computer and install Windows: Remove native, swap, and boot partitions used by Linux: Start your computer with the Linux setup floppy disk, type fdisk at the command prompt, and then press ENTER.

Mar 18, 2014 · H ow do I delete folder recursively under Linux operating systems using a bash command line options? You need to use the rm command to remove files or directories (also known as folders) recursively. The rmdir command removes only empty directories. So you need to use rm command.

To remove Linux from your computer and install Windows: Remove native, swap, and boot partitions used by Linux: Start your computer with the Linux setup floppy disk, type fdisk at the command prompt, and then press ENTER. Command to Remove All Unused Packages in Ubuntu (Linux) Here is a simple command you can run to remove all no-longer required packages. sudo apt autoremove. Done. With this simple command, you have removed all the unnecessary packages. It checks all the packages and finds out packages that are no longer in use. And remove them one by one. Otherwise, if a file is unwritable, standard input is a terminal, and the -for --forceoption is not given, or the -ior --interactive=alwaysoption is given, rmprompts the user for whether to remove the file. If the response is not affirmative, the file is Mar 26, 2019 · OS-Uninstaller is a small graphical tool to perform a clean and quick uninstall of any operating system (Windows, MacOS, Ubuntu, other Linux distribution..) of your computer. Important: if you want to uninstall Wubi (Ubuntu installed INSIDE Windows), please follow this guide. OS-Uninstaller is free software, licensed under GNU-GPL. How to remove carriage returns from text files on Linux When carriage returns (also referred to as Ctrl+M's) get on your nerves, don't fret. There are several easy ways to show them the door. dos2unix utility converts windows files to unix format and remove all the extra characters introduced by windows. However it is not part of all Unix and Linux distributions and if you get a dos2unix command not found error, it is probably not installed and you need to install it using any of the following steps. CentOS, Fedora or RHEL: