is a DNS server owned by, I believe, Verizon. Its full name, as a reverse lookup will tell you, is vnsc-bak.sys.gtei.net. A lot of people use it because its address is easy to remember.

The DNS (Domain name system) server converts the Domain names (example – techworm.net) to Equivalent IP addresses (such as IP addresses are similar like our home addresses. For example, If someone wants to visit us then they need to follow the right address in order to reach us. Jul 03, 2017 · This malicious DNS server can then point popular websites to different IP addresses, which could be run by scammers. For example, when you connect to facebook.com while using your Internet service provider’s legitimate DNS server, the DNS server will respond with the actual IP address of Facebook’s servers. Getting aware that more and more DNS providers offer DNS over TLS, I decided to try a setup with my pfSense. As the netgate guide for DNS over TLS with pfSense does not cover the latest pfSense release 2.4.4 p2, I’d like to share my experience and setup. Apr 21, 2020 · External DNS Server is returning the public IP of an application server to a client who is also sitting behind the same firewall. Traffic Flow in this case: In the above case, DNS server replies to the DNS query of the client with the public IP of the Web server, for example, Dec 29, 2017 · Every ISP (Internet Service Provider) assign unique DNS server while you are connected to the internet with DHCP. Check, 10 Best DNS Servers Free 2018. The DNS server is the main key to access the internet and make the connection stable, are you using the best DNS server for gaming, ps4. My suggestion on this would be to put at least 1 public DNS server (, or ISP's DNS) in addition to your main site DNS server. I did that at a client with 1 main site and 2 remote sites. ASA 5505's are installed at all three. They don't seem to have any issues.

Hi, Dns server gives you the ability to type in google.com instead of Sometimes they're called name servers because they provide well "names" for websites.

Hi, Dns server gives you the ability to type in google.com instead of Sometimes they're called name servers because they provide well "names" for websites.

Jan 13, 2015

Apr 21, 2020 ma that states to add dns addresses 4.2.2… - Apple Community